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  • The Mysteries of Sexual Desire

    The Mysteries of Sexual Desire

    Appetite, passion, chemistry... We use all kinds of words and concepts to describe sexuality. We like to imagine it as something magical, driven by a wild and innate impulse. However,...

  • Vaginal Balls: A Quick Informative Guide

    Vaginal Balls: A Quick Informative Guide

    A Well-Kept Secret Kegel balls are filled with positive benefits: they boost libido, gently stimulate vaginal walls through the weights they contain, strengthen pelvic floor muscles (the famous Kegel exercises),...

  • greatsex-blog

    Great Sex: The Question of Optimal Sexuality

    Wherever sexuality is represented, we see the body’s ability to translate sensations into pleasure. We see the stories of human interactions, in all their beauty. Cinema and literature make us...

  • Pornography, Desire, and Sexuality

    Pornography, Desire, and Sexuality

    If you’ve read our previous blog “Masturbation, Intimacy, and Revolution,” you know that May is National Masturbation Month. Today, continuing in the same spirit of celebration, we’ll explore masturbation through...

  • Masturbation, Intimacy, and Revolution

    Masturbation, Intimacy, and Revolution

    Masturbation, that cheeky topic! Did you know that May is dedicated to it? Rightfully so: in 1995, a renowned surgeon in the United States was dismissed after publicly declaring that...

  • La circlusion, ou comment réinventer la pénétration

    La circlusion, ou comment réinventer la pénétration

    Déclarons-le immédiatement : la sexualité, c’est bien plus complexe qu’un simple agencement d’organes génitaux! C’est une danse physique, psychologique et sociale, un ensemble de comportements et de perceptions qui ont...

  • The ABCs of Anal Sex

    The ABCs of Anal Sex

    Today, we invite you to board the ship of curiosity and discover the benefits of anal sex! Mysteries, Mysteries... There are many reasons why anal stimulation can be pleasurable: the...

  • Polyamory (Part 2)

    Polyamory (Part 2)

    This week, we bring you the second part of our article on ethical non-monogamy! Read the first part here! Happy reading! If this type of relationship seems complicated, it’s important...

  • Polyamory (Part 1)

    Polyamory (Part 1)

    This week, we bring you a two-part article on ethical non-monogamy, written by a sexology undergraduate student. Enjoy the read! So, you’ve recently met someone who identifies as polyamorous? Here’s...

  • 5 films queer incontournables

    5 Must-Watch Queer Films

    The International Pride Month is coming to an end, and we thought we’d offer you a list of must-watch queer films to finish the month in style! Here are 5...

  • 5 types of attraction

    5 types of attraction that aren't sexual

    Sexual attraction is what you feel when you want to have sex with someone (whether you know the person or not). It can be driven by physical appearance, sense of...