Ah! The penis pump! That mythical object we’ve seen several times in pop culture, often presented as the punchline of a joke. But what’s the real deal with its usefulness?
We’re presenting 3 ways to use a penis pump!
Stimulate Erections
Using a pump to stimulate erections is a great option for people who’ve had their prostate removed or who can’t take medication for erectile dysfunction. Simply place the pump over the penis, making sure to keep the testicles out of the way, and start pumping. We recommend using a cock ring with a handle beforehand to help prolong the erection and assist with gently removing the pump.
Adore U HÖM Double Cock Ring – $19.95
The suction effect of pumps can bring immense pleasure! Some are even designed with textured or vibrating interiors to maximize sensations. However, it’s important to listen to your body and remember that moderation is key when using suction toys: make sure to locate the air-release button. Fun fact: frequent ejaculation is one of the habits that promote a healthy prostate!
Adore U HÖM Manual Pump – $39.95
Water-Based Lubricant (Silicone Toy Compatible) ID 500ml – $42.99
Increase Penis Size (Yes, Really!)
Think of this use like going to the gym—it’s a practice that requires discipline, and you’ll see a difference over time. Four to five times a week, after a shave and a warm shower, sit down with your pump and pump until you feel a slight stretching sensation on your penis. Hold the pressure for 60 seconds. Repeat this process about 15 times over 15 to 20 minutes. Of course, it’s not a magic solution! You’ll need discipline, perseverance, and patience before seeing results, but they will come within 3 to 6 months!
Adore U HÖM Deluxe Pump Kit – $89.99
Did You Know?
Some pumps are compatible with vulvas and can be used to stimulate vaginal lubrication by increasing blood flow!
Also, it’s important to know that most pumps can be used for all three functions, but it’s always best to seek advice in-store or through our online chat to make sure you’re making the right purchase!