Family-owned Canadian company ♥️

Free discreet shipping on orders 50$+

Frequently asked questions

Order & Shipping

What do I do if my parcel is returned to the expeditor, namely the Seduction warehouse?

If your parcel is sent back to the expeditor, we will contact you to advise you of the situation.

There is a strong possiblity that the shipping adress contains an error. Verify in your account that the shipping information is correct and up-to-date. If there is a mistake in your address, modify it in your account.

If your order was checked out "As a Guest", we will contact you to advise you of the situation and update the address with the new information you provide us.

In the case of an unclaimed parcel, $10 shipping fees will be applicable.

How does same-day delivery work?

Same-day delivery is offered to the Greater Montreal area for orders made before 11:45 AM. The same-day delivery option disappears and becomes unavailable for orders made at 11:45 AM EST or later. Any order made at 11:45 AM EST or later will be sent through standard or express delivery methods, depending on the option you wish to go with. The fee is $15.

Same-day delivery is available Monday through Friday (excluding Holidays) for eligible postal codes. The option will appear at checkout only if it is available for the specified postal code.

New eligible areas for same-day delivery will be announced in the upcoming months. Stay updated by subscribing to our newsletter.

Online purchasing

How can I make a purchase anonimously?

You can make an online purchase as a guest, meaning you do not need to save your personal information in our database. However, as stated by the Consumer Protection Bureau, it is necessary for us to gather minmum information such as your name, postal address as well as a valid payment card to complete your request. Rest assured that our clients' identities remain confidential, online as well as in store, according to the Law on personal data protection.

Can I make a purchase with a pre-paid credit card?

To pay with a prepaid credit card, the total anount of your bill must be inferior to your card's total balance. For example, for a total amount equal or inferior to $150 including taxes, you will need a prepaid card of at least $150.If the transaction total is $150,01 it will not be approved because of insufficient funds.